Make It Happen in Africa
The Project
The MIHIA investment platform is the materialisation of Qair and STOA’s commitment to a long-term partnership. By combining our complementary expertise, we contribute to the development of a sustainable energy mix in Africa. The platform focuses on investing in solar, wind, hydro, and waste-to-energy projects, as well as projects that include electricity storage systems.
To date, the platform has supported the construction of the Zano solar power plant in Burkina Faso. MIHIA holds a 70% stake in this 24-megawatt plant, which was developed in partnership with the Burkinabé company Syscom Network and has been operational since December 2023. This plant helps to improve access to clean and affordable energy while increasing the security of the country’s electricity supply.
Louis Blanchard, CEO of Qair
Key Facts
Company: Make It Happen in Africa
Infrastructure: Renewable energy
Geographic Area: Africa
Stake: 49%
Since: 2021
Co-shareholder: Qair