Solar Serra do Mel
The Project
Solar Serra do Mel solar farm is part of the world’s largest wind and solar power cluster, the Serra Branca cluster. It was gradually commissioned by Voltalia from April 2021, as the solar panels and infrastructure were installed. The most powerful solar power plant has been operational since October 2022.
With a current capacity of 320 megawatts instead of the 32 originally planned, SSM is now Voltalia’s largest solar project in the world. The project has grown tenfold by signing long-term power purchase agreements with customers including Copel, one of Brazil’s leading utilities. These contracts have an average term of sixteen years.
Sébastien Clerc, CEO of Voltalia
Key facts
Company: Solar Serra do Mel
Infrastructure: Solar
Geographic Area: Brazil
Stake: 33%
Since: 2022
Co-shareholder: Voltalia